PSA Campaigns for ACE Resource Network

ACE Resource Network (ARN):
We are the ACE Resource Network
We exist to build awareness of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and to help people and communities prevent and address the effects of ACEs and childhood toxic stress.
We are here to educate, to connect, to offer guidance, and to provide hope.
For more information, go to:
Current Campaigns:
Past Campaigns:
No Past Campaigns Available
Current PSA Campaigns for ACE Resource Network (ARN)
ARN Number Story
The ACE Resource Network (ARN) is working to address the largest unaddressed health issue of our time. Linked to heart disease, diabetes and even early death…
Knowing the need is great and that the time is now, they worked diligently to bring together a vast network of amazing people and organizations who care deeply about ACEs to help educate communities about the impact of childhood trauma in their adult lives.
They are informed and supported by some of the best medical professionals, scientists, and leaders in the space including an advisory board led by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris MD, First Surgeon General of California and author of The Deepest Well.
Through all these efforts, they’ve developed the Number Story Campaign to put a stop to the catastrophic effect of ACEs by helping people understand their ACE history, how to heal and how to prevent them from being passed on to their children.
Past PSA Campaigns for ACE Resource Network (ARN)
No Past Campaigns Available
Goodwill Communications, 8322 Thwaite Howe Drive | Lorton, VA 22079-5007
Tel: 703-646-5962 Fax: 703-646-5995